
Google Halloween Costume Quiz Easter Egg Discovered in Google Home

A new Easter egg found in Google Home can help you decide on your Halloween costume this year.

Need some last-minute ideas? Then ask Google Home. A reader tipped us off to Google’s Halloween costume quiz and provided a detailed explanation of how it works.

When you ask Google Home “what should I be for Halloween?” the device claims to be an expert and starts a series of questions.

Some of the questions include (paraphrased):

  • Do you avoid eating with your hands?
  • Do you change your toothbrush every few months?
  • Do you wipe your nose with your sleeve or a tissue?
  • If you could have the best donut in the world for $50 or a regular donut for $1, which would you pick?
  • You’re climbing up a plant that grew in your backyard. It’s windy and you can hear an angry guy yelling at the top, but you can see a bag of gold. Do you go home or keep climbing?

After answering the above questions, Google Home suggested the following costume:

”You seem like you’re up for a challenge, so you should be a complete ecosystem for Halloween. I think the hat is key. It could be a tree canopy or a cloud layer that mists water. Then attach creatures or rocks or vegetation to your body.”

The questions and resulting costume suggestions are likely to change based on your responses. This is just one of many possible examples that could be out there.

This costume quiz was discovered by chance during an in-house Google Home demonstration session.

Further experiments yielded other costume suggestions such as a freaky clown, a robot, and Abe Lincoln.

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