
Which is the Best Smartphone AI? [INFOGRAPHIC]

With a record number of iPhone activations over the holiday season and Google Home being sold out everywhere, it’s no surprise that new tech owners are getting acquainted with the personal assistants built into each device.

Apple device owners rely on Siri, while users of Google Home, Google Pixel, and Allo can call upon Google Assistant. On paper, these assistants appear to offer many of the same functionalities. Is one technically superior to the other? We’ll let you be the judge.

An infographic from Zlated dissects the two personal assistants to see which one comes out on top in various categories. We’ll summarize the findings for you here, or you can refer to the full infographic below.

Summary of Findings

  • Memory: Google Assistant was found to be better at remembering previous conversations than Siri.
  • Apps Integration: Siri integrates better with other apps installed on the same device.
  • Friendliness: This is a highly subjective category, but Zlated believes Google Assistant is more conversational and friendly.
  • Features: Compared to Google Assistant, Siri lacks several abilities, such as playing games, asking riddles, reading poetry, translating, and showing query suggestions. On the other hand, Google Assistant lacks Siri’s ability to find friends, post on social media, and recognize music via Shazam.
  • Overall Winner: Zlated picked Google Assistant as the overall winner due to its superior memory and more conversational responses.

Who do you think is the top personal assistant? Discover more details in the full infographic below.

Google Assistant vs. Siri Infographic

Infographic Credit:

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