Google Core update

Video: Lily Ray on Recovering After a Google Core Update

I had a conversation with Lily Ray from Path Interactive at their New York City office about Google core algorithm updates. I inquired with Lily, an author and speaker at various search engine conferences, on how her team assists new clients who have been adversely affected by a core update in improving their rankings. Google has stated that there are no specific fixes for core algorithm updates, but clearly, telling clients “nothing can be done” is not an option.

In this video interview, we discussed the importance of building trust through staff and authors. Additionally, we covered the difficulties Lily faces when persuading her clients that their internal team needs to take a more active role in creating website content. The conversation also touched on the varying levels of transparency from Google regarding these algorithm updates.

I recently began this vlog series, and if you are interested in participating in an interview, there is a form you can fill out on Search Engine Roundtable. Additionally, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel.

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