Link building

Relevance vs. Authority: Which Link Holds More Value? (Part 1)

Relevance versus authority: these two metrics are always at the forefront of a link builder’s mind.

Both authority and relevance should be part of the overall evaluation of a given link. Ideally, every link we secure would come from sites that are both authoritative and highly relevant to our own site.

But what if you had to pick one or the other? Which is more important: relevance or authority?

This question is challenging and a constant source of passionate debate. There are many nuances, and link opportunities are never straightforward in the real (online) world.

Relevance versus authority can be particularly challenging for beginner link builders as they begin the arduous process of securing links. To dissect the issue, I posed the following question to several experts in search:

“All other metrics being equal, would you rather have a high-authority link with lower relevance or a highly relevant link with low authority?”

I received many great responses, which I will be separating into three categories, for three separate parts:

1. Relevance
2. Authority
3. Varies depending on the situation

Quick disclaimer: This is a purely hypothetical debate. I posed this question to tease out valid points for both sides of the relevance vs. authority argument.

This is a difficult question to answer in a short quote, but everyone I contacted was a good sport and gave their best shot, sharing valuable insight. The debate on relevance and authority won’t end with this post, but hopefully, this will push the discussion forward.

### Expert Opinions: Relevance

I’ll start by sharing the opinions of those who prioritized relevance.

#### Referral Traffic and Conversions

The opportunity for qualified referral traffic is a major bonus of relevant links, and some experts highlighted this point:

“It’s a tough question because of context; a high authority link is great, but if ‘all other metrics are equal,’ this would mean that the page with the high authority link is receiving the same amount of traffic as the highly relevant link, which then stands not only to pass link equity (albeit less) but then has the potential to send highly qualified traffic… which exponentially increases the likelihood of a conversion; so I’d go contextual over authoritative.” — Nick Eubanks

“I’d rather have a more relevant link with low authority. I’d hope that was better for traffic, but I’d not really expect it to have the same effect on rankings as a higher authority link with lower relevance. I like to think someone’s actually going to click on the links I build.” — Julie Joyce

“I would pursue the more relevant linking opportunity because the domain still likely has some authority, and by having relevancy, you increase the chance of driving targeted traffic to your site, which has the potential to affect other metrics like conversions. Of course, the golden opportunity would be one that is both authoritative and relevant, but that’s the politician’s answer. Another option would be to pursue both opportunities. After all, sometimes link building is a game of numbers.” — Annalisa Hilliard

“I believe links not only improve search engine rankings but if done right, allow you to create pathways for targeted audiences to reach your website and convert into paying customers.

The reason I prefer a website with high relevance and low authority is that it better drives a targeted audience back to the website, instead of a high authority, low relevance site that might get a lot of traffic but few conversions.

If your SEO/Digital Marketing efforts aim to help a company grow and increase its conversions, then choose a website with more relevance, even if it has low authority. Ensure the site has a decent link profile to avoid negative effects.” — Moosa Hemani

#### Authority Metrics are Only Barometers

Other experts noted that while authority measurements in the SEO industry are helpful barometers, nobody truly knows how Google measures authority.

“High authority links are great, but relevant links prevail every time. They make more sense for users, serving as a stronger ranking signal. Google hasn’t updated Toolbar PageRank since 2013, probably not to promote other third-party metrics.” — David Farkas

“If all metrics are the same, I’d choose relevance in 2017 over authority. Authority seems like a function of the link metric, as Google suggests. While I don’t always adhere to Google’s suggestions, I lean towards believing authority is seen through link metrics.” — Paul Madden

“Highly relevant link with low authority. I believe relevant links greatly impact the algorithm. Authority is subjective, as SEO tool metrics can be flawed; users value relevance and utility. With more relevant link prospects, it’s easier to scale.” — Venchito Tampon

“I’d choose a relevant link with less authority over a higher authority link with low relevance. Accurately measuring authority is hard. While Moz and Majestic help evaluate authority, Google’s measurement remains unknown. It’s clear from our clients’ results: relevant links push up rankings and traffic.” — Nicole DeLeon

#### Google Might Discount Irrelevant Links

Even high-authority site links may be discounted if irrelevant.

“Without a doubt, I’d take a highly relevant link with low authority, all day. The relevant link benefits are numerous:

1. Google can ignore low relevance links. The worst offenders are generic and off-topic links.

2. Google technologies assign more weight to relevant, less to off-topic links.

3. Relevant links generate more and better-targeted traffic.

We all want high-authority links. But without relevance, they may not count at all. Better to get a boost from a relevant link.” — Cyrus Shepard

#### Relevant Sites Have Potential to Grow

Experts emphasized that low-authority relevant sites can potentially grow into authoritative ones over time.

“I’d vote for higher relevance. Authority will constantly be in flux—low authority now doesn’t mean always (e.g., new sites). Strong relevance remains consistent and enhances user experience.” — Erin Everhart

“A few years ago, I would have had a more absolute answer. Now, I seek relevance, accepting low authority links as long as they aren’t from bad sites. Low authority sites can grow, and relevance offers qualified referral traffic. I consider each case because I balance marketing and SEO, no longer relying on authority metrics alone.” — Bill Sebald

“I’d choose relevance over authority. Authority can increase over time if the site is relevant and useful; however, the relevance likely won’t change.” — Aleyda Solis

#### Relevant Links = Relevant Anchor Text

Relevant sites usually implement more relevant anchor text.

“Competitive landscape mostly determines the right answer. Know which resources refer to competitor pages in SERPS. Based on this data, make the right decision. I prefer links with right anchor text; high authority sites rarely allow that.” — Alexandra Tachalova

Total respondents who chose relevance: 13

### Final Thoughts

That wraps up the views of those who prioritized relevance. In Part 2, we’ll look at the thoughts of experts who chose high authority, low relevance links. Part 3 will cover those who believe it depends on the situation.

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