
It’s OK to Use Different Structured Data Types on Alternate Versions of a Page

John Mueller from Google states that using different types of structured data, like JSON-LD and microdata, on various versions of a page poses no issues. This topic was addressed during a recent Google Webmaster Central hangout in response to a question that inquired:

“Is it acceptable if the desktop version of a page uses microdata while the AMP version uses JSON-LD?”

Mueller confirms that this implementation method is entirely acceptable. However, he advises being aware that some structured data types are exclusive to JSON-LD. Therefore, when using JSON-LD on one page version, it might be beneficial to verify if an equivalent microdata version is available for the other version.

In conclusion, there’s no issue with using different structured data types across different page versions. It’s even acceptable to apply different structured data types to just the desktop version of a site or only the mobile version. For instance, an e-commerce site might use JSON-LD for product reviews and microdata for blog articles.

Although not mentioned in the Hangout, it’s worth noting that Google’s structured data guidelines suggest using JSON-LD when feasible.

Mueller stated:

“Sure, that’s perfectly fine. Regarding the format used, I don’t see a problem with that. The only consideration is that certain kinds of structured data are only available on JSON-LD. So, it’s wise to check the structured data types you’re using.”

He further explained that using one type of structured data on one site version and another type on a different version is entirely feasible. For example, if an e-commerce site’s blog uses article markup with microdata while its product reviews utilize JSON-LD, this approach would be perfectly acceptable.

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