Local Search

Google to Review Photos & Videos Uploaded to My Business

Google has updated the photo and video content policy for Google My Business (GMB) listings. From now on, all photos and videos will be reviewed before being published.

In a recent tweet, Google My Business announced the policy change and provided a link to their photo criteria for reference.

Given that a mandatory review did not exist before, you can expect some delays in the appearance of new photos and videos on a GMB profile after uploading. It’s not clear whether this review process will be conducted automatically by AI or manually by a team of human reviewers. A human review process might result in a longer delay, but it could also be more thorough.

This policy change seems to apply only to content submitted by users. Google referred to a help page related to the Maps user-contributed content policy in their tweet.

This means that content uploaded directly by the business owner will not require a review before publishing. Apart from the new review process, there have been no additional changes to the Google My Business user-generated content policies.

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