
Google Search Update Likely Occurred on November 10th [DATA]

On November 10th, numerous reports and our own data indicate a possible update to Google Search.

We observed a significant increase in our own traffic on November 10th. However, we opted to wait and see if this increase would persist before reporting on a potential update to Google Search.

Based on our data and feedback from others, we believe it is plausible that an update took place on November 10.

The chart depicted below, sourced from our Google Analytics, illustrates a consistent rise in traffic beginning on November 10.


Other data sources also hint at a possible update to Google Search on November 10. For instance, the Mozcast tool recorded elevated SERP activity on that date.

SERP activity

However, the impact has not been entirely positive, as some site owners have experienced a significant drop in organic search traffic.

Have you noticed any significant changes in your organic search traffic starting on November 10th or later? If so, we encourage you to leave a comment and share your observations.

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