
Google Search on Android Now Loads Repeated Searches Twice as Fast

Google’s search results on Android now use a web browser technology called Service Worker to cache repeated searches. By utilizing this technology, repeated search results can now load twice as fast.

Information shared at Pluralsight Live in Salt Lake City, Utah, revealed these advancements. Dion Almaer, Google director of engineering, explained that the mission of Google Search is to deliver results quickly and that they have invested heavily in deploying Service Worker, allowing users to receive results sometimes twice as fast.

However, only Chrome for Android currently benefits from this feature, as other browsers do not yet support Navigation Preload, which is crucial for running a Service Worker. Google senior director of product, Ben Galbraith, noted that if other browsers add the necessary capabilities, Google Search’s improved speed could be extended to them as well.

The technology is ready to be implemented on other browsers as soon as they support Navigation Preload. Since Navigation Preload was only added to Chrome for Android last year, it remains relatively new. It’s hoped that the potential for faster search results will encourage other browsers to adopt Navigation Preload in the future.

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