Local Search

Google Maps to Showcase Popular Dishes at Restaurants

A new feature in Google Maps now leverages machine learning to recommend a restaurant’s most popular dishes.

“Whether you’re craving a tea cocktail in Brooklyn or sampling Pacific Rim cuisine in London, Google Maps now highlights a restaurant’s most popular items on the menu, so you can place your order with confidence.”

The feature uses an algorithm that matches dish names with relevant photos and reviews to power its machine learning capabilities.

Popular dishes are highlighted within the overview tab of restaurant listings. Simply search for a restaurant in Google Maps to discover its top offerings.

Users can find additional information within the restaurant’s menu tab, which displays photos and reviews for all dishes (provided by other Maps users).

Google emphasizes that this feature is made possible thanks to the dedicated community of people contributing information to Google Maps.

“At the end of the day, this feature is made possible because of contributions from people around the world who want to help others using Google Maps. So if you want to pay it forward to the next diner, simply take a photo of your meal (before you’ve scarfed it down!) and add a dish name so others can know what’s good on the menu.”

Popular dishes are now available on Google Maps for Android and will be rolled out to iOS in the coming months.

### More Resources

– 9 Quick Restaurant SEO Tips to Boost Your Google Search Visibility
– Local SEO: The Definitive Guide to Improve Your Local Search Rankings

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