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Google Maps Now Utilizes Fast Food Locations as Reference Points

Google Maps is experimenting with a feature that gives drivers turn-by-turn directions using fast food restaurants as landmarks.

It’s possible that Google may be testing this feature with other points of interest, but so far users have only reported encountering it when being directed to turn near a fast food spot.

> “So @googlemaps instructed me to “turn right after Burger King”… I think this is the best update yet.”
> — Deemah MS (@iamdeemah) April 14, 2018

> “Google Maps told me to make a right ‘right after the White Castle.’ Does it do that now?”
> — Scott Stein (@jetscott) April 14, 2018

It appears this feature is not connected to any sort of advertising efforts, although it may prove beneficial to the fast food joints being mentioned by the app.

This may be especially useful when driving in an area you’re not familiar with, as it’s generally easier to spot a fast food restaurant down the road than read a street sign from a distance.

Google has confirmed this test without noting if or when it will be rolled out to everyone.

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