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Effective Google Ads Strategies for 2024: What Works and What Doesn’t

Great ad copy is crucial for Google Ads success, but mastering it can be elusive. Optmyzr’s analysis of over one million ads offers fresh insights into effective strategies.

Why we care: A strong ad copy strategy is essential for PPC experts. Yet, even seasoned professionals struggle to find the best approach. The evolving standards for effective ad copy complicate matters. Recent discussions focus on Ad Strength’s significance. This research may provide guidance.

By the numbers:

  • Analysis included over 22,000 accounts with a monthly spend of at least $1,500.
  • Reviewed over one million ads across Responsive Search Ads (RSAs), Expanded Text Ads (ETAs), and Demand Gen formats.
  • Key metrics studied include cost per acquisition (CPA), click-through rates (CTR), and ROAS.

Key questions analyzed:

  1. Is there a link between Ad Strength and performance?
  2. How does pinning assets impact outcomes?
  3. Title case vs. sentence case: which format performs better?
  4. Does creative length influence results?

Ad Strength: A misleading metric?

Google’s Ad Strength metric is often seen as a useful guide, but does it actually improve performance? Optmyzr’s data shows no clear correlation with important key metrics.

  • Findings: RSAs with an "average" Ad Strength had better CPA, conversion rates, and ROAS than those rated "excellent."
  • Takeaway: Focus less on Ad Strength and more on creating ads that genuinely engage your audience and achieve results.

To pin or not to pin?

Pinning assets to specific ad positions is debated among marketers. Some advocate for creative control, while others rely on Google’s automation.

  • Findings: Ads with "some pinning" performed well on cost metrics like CPA and ROAS, while fully pinned ads had slightly higher CTRs.
  • Takeaway: Pin assets strategically without overdoing it. Allow Google’s AI to manage placement when appropriate.

Title case vs. sentence case: Which is better?

This long-standing debate continues. Optmyzr’s data shows sentence case surprisingly outperformed title case in most key metrics.

  • Findings: Sentence case ads had higher ROAS and lower CPAs, especially in RSAs and Demand Gen ads.
  • Takeaway: Test sentence case in your ads, particularly if your current ones are underperforming.

Creative length: Does bigger mean better?

It’s often thought that longer ads perform better by occupying more screen space, but Optmyzr’s research disproves this belief.

  • Findings: Shorter headlines consistently outperformed longer ones, while longer descriptions had a slight edge.
  • Takeaway: Prioritize clear, compelling messaging over character count. Quality is more important than quantity in today’s Google Ads landscape.

Bottom line: Optmyzr’s data-driven analysis provides actionable insights for marketers. Don’t get bogged down by Google’s Ad Strength or outdated habits like title case and longer ads. Focus on creating impactful, concise messages and let the data guide your decisions.

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